Straying from Traditional Office Space: Does Working Remotely Work for You?

Working Remotely

No morning traffic. No rush out the door. At the office, it seems like everyone is focused on their computer, talking on the phone or online anyway. Working remotely is a growing trend in the business world. Is traditional office space really still necessary? Let’s talk about the pros and cons of working from home to see if it works for us.

Working Remotely

With new technology and ways to communicate virtually, there has been a rise in working remotely. In America, there are more than 13 million people who spend at least part of their week working from home. Studies have been done on this new trend that share its many advantages. The article Four Ways to Make Working from Home Work for You discusses how “workers tend to be more productive, take less sick days, tend to feel less stressed, and work more hours than employees who are exclusively on-site”. Plus, there are the obvious advantages. Not having to spend extra time getting ready in the morning, skipping commuter traffic, and the ability to run an errand or travel. Being able to customize your work day is appealing to everyone.

Finding the Right Balance

Why isn’t everyone working remotely? Four ways to make working from home work for you also discusses the drawbacks. Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo, explains “while there are obvious advantages to working early or being able to take [the] time to run a personal errand, it’s also easy for this to work against you. Colleagues may not know when they can reach you or may find you unpredictable”. Marissa has worked both from home and in a traditional office. She shares that when she worked from home she “made every effort to appear as if she has a ‘real office’ with a new phone line, business-sounding address, and corporate feel”. It is important to find the right balance for you and your business when deciding how to work.

How to Make Working from Home Work for You

Together, you can find the perfect balance between working from home while having all the advantages of a traditional office. You can bridge the gap by getting a virtual office assistant, office space when you need it and a professional business address. You have the ability to grow your business from the comfort of your home. At Officense you will have a team of executive assistants, both in office and virtually, who tailor services to your needs. You will gain a fully trained and professional staff that will make working from home work for you.

Our executive assistants answer your calls, handle your mail, greet your clients, follow up with leads and schedule appointments, providing a corporate feel and impressive business address. We provide high-end business facilities with fully furnished dedicated and a la carte office space, as well as conference rooms by the hour. An instant office when you need it, professional phone service to give your home office a corporate feel, and an impressive staff to help you with all of your administrative work. Give Officense a call at (410) 814-7500 to meet your new staff and tour your new business location, today!

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