Working from home goes viral due to Corona-virus

Concern over the Corona-virus has forced more and more companies to have their employees work from home. Based on the announcement made by World Health Organization, Corona-virus has officially reached the ‘pandemic’ status. Many companies including major companies like Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Apple, Amazon, Sales-force etc. are enforcing mandatory work from home policies to control the spread of Covid-19.

According to the Corona-virus: How to work from home, the right way article, “Some employees will be working from home for the first time, which means figuring out how to stay on task in a new environment that may not lend itself to productivity. But there are ways to deliver results and avoid going stir-crazy, from setting up a good work space to the way you talk to your team.”

With the latest technology and ways to connect virtually, there has been a rise in working remotely. There are several benefits of working from home in these situations. Employees tend to be more productive, take fewer sick days, face less stress, work more hours and spend less time to commute to work. People prefer not having to spend extra time getting ready in the morning, skipping commuter traffic, and the ability to run an errand or travel. Being able to customize your work day is appealing to everyone.

Tips to work from home
Communicate more often

Having a clear communication with your boss and your team is the key to working from home. Use communicating tools such as chat apps or video conferencing apps to stay connected with one another on a regular/daily basis. Managers need to make an effort to stay connected, check in with the employees, especially to those who live alone and might feel left out or isolated.

Create a real job environment

Try to create a dedicated work space, create boundaries within your home and let your family members understand that you are working. Take shower, get dressed and work like you would work at your office desk.

Do not panic and stay positive

Try not to focus on negative headlines. Instead take few breaks and catch up with your colleagues and chat. Its easy to panic and stressed out on theses days so, the Managers and the team need to acknowledge one another’s stress and cheer for the team and stay focused.

Virtual office assistant could be a great help

You are sick or you might be working from home but you also have to keep up with your work and the incoming calls. At Officense you will have a team of executive assistants, both in office and virtually, who tailor phone answering services to your needs. You will gain a fully trained and professional staff that will make working from home work for you with Covid-19 or without. You have the ability to grow your business from the comfort of your home.

Our executive assistants answer your calls, handle your mail, greet your clients, follow up with leads and schedule appointments, providing a corporate feel and impressive business address. We provide high-end business facilities with fully furnished dedicated and a la carte office space, as well as conference rooms by the hour. An instant office when you need it, professional phone service to give your home office a corporate feel, and an impressive staff to help you with all of your administrative work.

Give Officense a call at (410) 814-7500 to meet your new staff and tour your new business location, today!

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