What is Labor Day?

It’s that time of the year when we celebrate and honor the greatest American workers. Labor Day, the first Monday in September is a day when we acknowledge the social and economic achievements of the American workers. Like other national holidays, this day also has an interesting history.

On the early morning of September 5, 1882, a huge crowd of workers marched in the street of New York City. Workers were determined to bring changes in the industrial labor, promote better working conditions, reduce work hours and receive fair pay for each day of work. Within a week of American Railway Union (ARU) strike against Pullman Company, Congress voted unanimously to create Labor Day as the 7th Federal Holiday.

On June 28. 1894, President Grover Cleveland signed a law making the first Monday in September of each year a national holiday to pay a tribute to the hard work of the workers. This movement brought a set of standards for industrial work, reduced working hours, better working conditions, improved pay, eliminated child labor and transformed the entire industrial work. Since then Labor unions celebrate this day as an annual occasion for parades and speeches to promote worker rights and well-being.

Labor Day has progressed significantly. Today most people celebrate as a chance to spend time with friends and family and enjoy the last few days of summer.

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Happy Labor Day!

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