Veteran Organizations Phone Answering

Do you run a veterans organization? Are you inundated with call after call? You have veterans calling, telemarketers and spam calls, as well as all of your donators and the rest of the calls any organization needs to stay afloat. With all of those calls your time gets used up bit by bit. Instead of having your day taken up with the minutiae of those calls, get a veteran organizations phone answering service. The Congressional Research Service says ” Veterans Service Organizations (VSOs) offer a range of services for veterans, servicemembers, dependents, and survivors.” That’s a lot of people that you will be communicating with.


Having your calls answered by a live person is always better than voicemail. Its more personal and less cold. A live person also has the needed intelligence to direct the call where it needs to go. Some calls, I am sure you want to take, others I am equally certain you don’t. Telemarketers and spam calls can be answered and dealt with via voicemail or by saying no thanks. Donations can be directed to the correct department. As for your veterans? They deserve to have their calls handled in a professional, non rushed, live manner. That is why you want a veteran organizations phone answering service.


Here at Officense, we can do all of that and more. We also offer web services, conference rooms, and address services. We are in a prestigious Inner Harbor location. This will give your organization the ability to be showcased in a great setting. Should you need an office to meet with one of your veterans (or anyone else) we can offer that as well. Do any of these services sound like ones that could be beneficial to you? Let me add one more, we also have excellent Executive Assistants ready to help you with a plethora of things.


For more information on our services, please give us a call at 410-814-7500. You may also see our website or come on down and see us in person. (We are located at 300 East Lombard Street, Suite 840, Baltimore Maryland 20202This way you can find out more about veteran organizations phone answering.

Hubzone Business Center
Virtual Office Downtown, Baltimore, Maryland, Business Hubzone

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