As a tradesperson or a professional in most environments, you have a lot of calls to both make and receive. The problem occurs when someone is trying to call you while you are making a call. This interrupts your current call and the second (or third, fourth…) call may end up just going to voice mail. That is only part of why you need a trade or professionals phone answering service.
Reception to Receptionist

If you’ve not heard the expression already, “If your receptionist is your voicemail, fire it” then you have now. The phrase is a wise sentence and one that I believe people should pay attention to. We get enough mechanical mumbo-jumbo in the rest of our lives, without forcing it upon people calling us. Again, this is why you need a trade or professionals phone answering service.
Difference of Titles

Itworldcanada.com says “Trade: A skilled job, typically one requiring primarily manual skills and special training. Profession: A calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation with continued learning during the practice of the profession.”

Now both of these sound like they require a lot of phone answering. You have fellow members of your trade or profession to communicate with. There are also clients to communicate with. Not to mention the vendors that assist in your day to day activities. Don’t you think it would be wise to have a trade or professionals phone answering service?
Officense and You

Officense has the tools you need to make your trade or professionals phone answering service shine for you. Superbly trained executive assistants to take your calls and route them where and when you need them. The ability to send you notes about your calls. There is so much more that we can offer beyond just this one service though.
Contacting Us
For more information or to get in touch with us, please contact us at 410-814-7500. You can also contact us through our website, by email to info@officense.com or by coming by to say hello. We are located at 300 East Lombard Street, Suite 840, Baltimore, Maryland 21202.