Therapist Phone Answering

As a therapist, you’ve got a lot on your mind…and on your schedule. You’ve got to keep your various patients straight and remember what brought them to you. You also need to be able to field all of their calls and questions. This while trying to find new patients to help. Therapist phone answering services could be of use to you. As says about a therapist “A clinically trained helper who uses an integrative approach to help others heal” . Your focus should be on your patients, not the nuances that come with running a business.




More Time

With therapist phone answering services you can find more time to take care of your patients. For example, less time will be spent answering spam or telemarketer calls. Callers will be greeted by a warm friendly person, instead of dealing with a cold machine, because you are in a session.





Our Solutions

Here at Officense, we can and will reroute calls to where ever you need them to go. That could be your voice mail, yourself, an intern, or somewhere else all together. We also will deal with all of the telemarketers and spam calls so that they do not interrupt you. With our therapist phone answering services you gain phenomenally well trained executive assistants here to help make your life easier. You gain peace of mind and a much better image for your practice than a machine would give.




Other Services

Our therapist phone answering services are fantastic and can be blended with any of the following services we also offer. Or a mix of services. We are here to help you. From conference rooms to private offices, mail services to address services, and even customized business services.


Contact Us

Please give us a call at 410-814-7500, an email to or come on down. We are located on 300 East Lombard Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. You can also find more information on our website. We look forward to speaking with you!

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