The Impact of the Inner Harbor for the Baltimore Running Festival

The 2017 Baltimore Running Festival: Finish Line Moves to the Inner Harbor

Last weekend runners and supporters of the 17th annual Baltimore Running Festival flooded the streets of Downtown Baltimore. The Baltimore Sun article talks about the big change that was made to the course this year. Race organizers “rerouted the race’s endpoint from the parking lot between M&T Bank Stadium and Camden Yards to Pratt Street, the Inner Harbor not far off”. The finish line change developed by borrowing a motto from the runners themselves, “It’s not how you start that matters. It’s how you finish”.

Impact of the Inner Harbor

The Sun describes the feel of the new finish line on the Inner Harbor. “After as many as 26.2 miles of pounding pavement and perfect weather, it was a special kind of runner’s high to see glimmering water within walking distance”. One Baltimore raised runner describes the change as making the race more about the city. She explains, “I love Baltimore and I feel like it’s a fun thing that brings everybody out. This is Baltimore-centric.” The simple change of moving the finish line to the Inner Harbor had a lasting impact. Both runners and viewers felt the Baltimore pride.

Supporting Baltimore Business

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