Warning: Declaration of YOOtheme\Theme\Wordpress\MenuWalker::walk($elements, $max_depth) should be compatible with Walker::walk($elements, $max_depth, ...$args) in /var/www/vhosts/officense.com/httpdocs/wp-content/themes/yootheme/vendor/yootheme/theme/platforms/wordpress/src/Wordpress/MenuWalker.php on line 115

Small Businesses

Let Us Handle the Details

Studies show that owners who spend more time doing what they're good at, and less time on administrative tasks earn significantly more annually. Every second you are using to do a task which we could handle more effectively is a second you are not working on strategy or expanding. Let us handle the mundane while you do the things you enjoy and spent years training for.

Answer Every Call

Would you hire a company if you called and heard a voicemail or busy signal? Today, when people can't get in touch with you they are quick to move on to a competitor. Don't let these leads slip by just because you can't be near your phone all day. Enjoy the peace of mind knowing an Officense executive assistant has you covered!

Small Business Consulting

Have an accounting or marketing question? Officense has worked with hundreds of small businesses over the last 10 plus years and has gained valuable insight into what works. We are always available to share our experience and tips.


  • Private Office and Conference Rooms
  • Business Address and Mail Handling
  • Live Answer Phone Services
  • On-Demand Admin Support
  • Scheduling and Appointment Management
  • Live Web Chat
  • Web Design and Domain Names
  • Book Keeping
  • Small Business Consulting
  • Registered Agent
  • Virtual Paralegal
  • Hosting and IT
  • Data Entry and CRM
  • Managed Email Marketing
  • Outbound Calling
  • Coworking
  • Notary
  • Local SEO Consulting