Per Wikipedia “Roofing work can be physically demanding because it involves heavy lifting, as well as climbing, bending, and kneeling, often in extreme weather conditions.” That is already a lot of work in a lot of locations and takes up a lot of your time. With this in mind a roofing contractors phone answering service might be right for you.
Why should I need one?

Picture yourself, on a roof in the middle of installing some bit of shingle or plywood and your phone rings. It’s a prospective client. What do you do? Continue to work or do you attempt to answer your phone? What about if the weather is exceptionally windy or otherwise inclement? How is your client going to hear you through all of the background noise of hammering and people calling to one another, even IF the weather is perfect? That is a good reason to use a roofing contractors phone answering service.
What are the advantages?

A roofing contractors phone answering service has a lot of advantages. It lets you have a number that anyone can use any time day or night. It allows your clients to always get through to a live person that they can speak to and hear clearly. If it is very important the call can still get transferred to yourself or someone you designate. On top of all of that, the receptionist doing the answering can also schedule your appointments for you and notify you with a text message or email when you get a new appointment. This way you can proceed to get your current job done as fast as possible with no mistakes due to distraction.
Other services

A roofing contractors phone answering service sounds good right? Well here at Officense we can do all of the above for you and more. Say you want to interview a potential new hire. You can do so using one of the offices we also offer. Or if you are not home to receive your mail and do not like the idea of leaving your checks in a mail box, you can have them sent here. Since you would be using this as your ‘official’ address, you get a prestigious address in the heart of the Inner Harbor of Baltimore. All of those options plus roofing contractors phone answering services are available through us.

To find out more information on any of the above services, or to see about getting set up with one of them please contact us. We can be reached by phone at 410-814-7500. You can also email us at info@officense.com. Check out our website for more information too! There’s even a chat where we can converse with you if you’ve questions. Finally, feel free to come on in and visit us in person at 300 East Lombard Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202.