There has been some great strides to end the worldwide effects of COVID-19. The global pandemic has impacted the business world drastically, causing owners and clients alike to adjust to a completely new norm. Renting a private office for your work needs will help aid in the adjustment to this new realm.

Co-working was once to be the new way forward for many companies, given the current world climate, it is no longer the best option. Companies have leaned towards co-working in the past, as it provides varying rates, lease flexibility, and the security of not having to worry about office management.
Co-working spaces also often include all utilities in their pricing, provide a multitude of office resources, and have on-site staff to support their members. However, here at Officense we can provide you with all of those same amenities and services all while you enjoy a private office space! It is literally the best of both worlds!

We have been taking great measures to ensure the safety of everyone in the office including a daily office maintenance around the clock, cleaning any common areas within the office. In addition, with a private office space, you have less germs to worry about and the freedom to create your own sense of comfort within the workplace.
For more information on our private office space for rent, or to check the spaces themselves out, please feel free to visit us at 300 East Lombard St., Baltimore, MD 21202. You can also check out our website or give us a call at 410-814-7500. Emails can be sent to We look forward to hearing from you!