Private Investigation Admin Services in Maryland

If you are a private investigator, you understand how important it is to keep your files on your client’s suspect. Any information that is given is like a nugget of gold that cannot be misplaced, if even the smallest detail escapes you- it sometimes can cause issues while out in the field. But what if you had an Executive Assistant who was able to log all information that you receive if a client calls in with more information on your target? We at Officense can get that information recorded, stored, and sent over to you securely. That is one of the few things we offer with our Private Investigation Admin Services in Maryland.

How Can We Help?

We at Officense can provide you with the Private Investigation Admin Services in Maryland that you may need. If you need us to take calls from clients and send the information they rely to us over to you instantly – we can do that. If you need us to make scheduled appointments with clients – we can do that. Any type of admin service you may need we can do for you and have it done quickly and correctly.

We have many different services we provide that can make your life easier in the long run while you do the field work. Let’s leave the administrative stuff up to the Executive Assistants here at Officense where you can be sure that the job will be done!

Contact Us

Please contact us if you have any questions and/or concerns, or if you want to sign up for our services!

Interested in our Private Investigation Admin Services in Maryland? You can reach us by phone at 410-814-7500. Or you can reach us by email at

We are conveniently located in the Baltimore Inner Harbor at 300 East Lombard Street, Suite 840, Baltimore 21202. We look forward to seeing you and meeting your needs!

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