As a plumber, you have the capability to unclog a pipe or stop a leak. However, when it comes to answering phone calls in the middle of a job? This always gets tricky for any business owner, even more so with such hands-on service. Running a business requires answering calls from new and current clients, but shouldn’t be at the expense of efficiency. As any businessperson knows, not only do current clients reach out by phone, but so do leads and returning customers. If you want to maximize your workflow and call handling, let Officense help.


When you partner with Officense, you gain more flexibility with your workload and your free time. Our executive assistants will handle the phone conversations, while you handle the service aspect. Officense can collect pertinent information on your behalf, answer questions callers may have, or even connect calls to you personally. Our executive assistants can filter your calls, and handle them to per your instruction in a very professional manner. Our service can be used any time of day, as we have 24/7 plans with live staff available that also offer Spanish phone options for your clientele.

While we’re able to guide the callers and connect them to the right people, we can also source your leads for you! Our executive assistants will use your shared calendar to set estimates, book appointments, track leads, follow up with them, and much more for your business. All the while, we’ll be collecting a detailed set of information for your record, allowing you to meet your clients’ needs before the appointment even takes place. Finally, our assistants can provide lead tracking on your scheduled estimates for your marketing department. We partner with you to gain as much knowledge as you want us to have, and intuitive thought to anticipate your customers’ needs. That’s the added value of Officense.


We also provide a business mailing and address services, along with private conference and office space, offering a professional setting. For more information, contact us by phone at 410-814-7500. You can also email us at And of course, always feel free to visit us in person at 300 East Lombard Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202.

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