Pediatrician’s call answering

A Pediatrician specializes in treating babies, infants, adolescents, and young adults. They perform a various range of health-related services such as physical exams, give vaccinations, treat injuries, evaluate a child’s physical, and much more. While you are focused on treating children, you need someone to handle your front-end and back-end communications. Officense is here to help you with that. With our pediatrician’s call answering service, your communication will be answered immediately in a professional manner.
Efficient Pediatrician’s call answering service
Once you decide to sign with Officense, you will receive a dedicated business phone line. Your business calls will be answered 24/7 by our executive assistants. Our executive assistants undergo detailed training to act as members of your staff. Your business calls are greeted and handled to your exact specifications.
After greeting the caller and collecting information, your call will be instantly connected to you. If you prefer, we can take a customized message or send the call to voicemail when you are not available. We can transfer the calls to any number you request. So, you can speak with your patients from any location. And the best part about Officense’s services is you only pay for what you use.
Our virtual assistants will use your shared calendar to schedule appointments for your practice. If needed, we can collect a detailed set of information about your patients before scheduling appointments. The best way to make sure everything in your business is done on time and precisely is by calling Officense. We will find a customized method that works for you and helps simplify your front-end business processes.
Contact Us
Whether you like using a high-tech scheduling app or you prefer a good old-school phone call, Officense will be here to make sure you get the best service.
To know more about our services, give Officense a call at 410-814-7500 today!