Outsourced Non Profit Services

Have you been considering whether you should outsource some of your needs? Do you wonder if that would be a sound decision for you? Are you concerned that the cost will outweigh the benefits? Would you like your questions answered? For all these things and more, please keep reading as I discuss outsourced non profit services.


Non profits tend to be on very tight budgets. Because of this each member ends up covering a lot of roles. Sometimes the roles they are covering are quite difficult and time consuming. Other times, there are no members qualified to take on those roles. This is where a non profit might wish to look into alternatives. These alternatives are outsourced non profit services and have a wide variety. Some non profits need help with their taxes as they are more complex than most. Others need assistance with day to day accounting. There are also those that need assistance with just payroll. The main point is that each non profit is different and due to those differences need different areas of assistance.


With Officense, we offer you a large line of choices for outsourced non profit services. You can utilize us as one stop shop for your needs. What is even better is that as well as having a wide range of services, you only pay for what YOU need. We are very customizable. With secretarial, administrative, and telephone services we can handle a wide plethora of needs. Do you need to have a meeting and don’t have meeting space, we’ve got you covered. Do you need database support? We can handle that too.


As MST says “There’s no “right” answer here. Your nonprofit organization’s needs, structure and culture are unique. The preferred scenario is the one that works for you.” We here at Officense, can only hope that we are what works for you. If you’d like to get in touch with us for outsourced non profit services then please call us at 410-814-7500. You can also visit our website, send an email to info@officense.com or come on down to our prestigious location in the inner harbor. Our address is 300 E Lombard St. Suite 840, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. We look forward to meeting you and discussing how we can help you as you help so many others.

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