Office Space Getting A Little Tight?



Do you have a large company that is running out of space? Are you in the market for additional office space? Look no further. Officense can provide you with the perfect space for your business. In today’s world we understand that a lot of businesses and services are in demand. This results in a high demand for employees.


Has your business grown bigger than you expected it to? Do you need a couple more offices to satisfy your staffing needs? Or do you simply just need a work space for yourself now that your company is beginning to grow? Here at Officense we offer several options that might just be the perfect fit for you.

Office Space

Office Space

You can rent an office just for the day or rent on a more permanent basis where you will have a dedicated office all of your own. If you’ve previously worked from home but your business is starting to expand, as a day member our offices are the perfect place to meet with your clients. If you are looking for a more permanent office, we can provide you with additional services such as receptionist services.

Conference RoomsConference Rooms

Maybe you need a space for conferences or other large meetings for your business. We offer both a small and large conference room for these types of events that will satisfy your business needs. To give you an example, many of our clients that are involved in the legal field, hold depositions and arbitration’s in our conference rooms.


Contact Us! 


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