Need help with scheduling appointments for your patients?

Scheduling Patients

Medical offices are always busy accepting new patients, scheduling appointments, and updating patient information. Appointment setting and schedule management is significant in developing an efficient medical practice, and can also help you keep up with the high volume of patients. At Officense, our virtual office assistants can set appointments for you so that your staff can use their valuable time more effectively. This could include scheduling initial appointments for a new patient, scheduling follow-up appointments for existing patients or rescheduling missed appointments for patients. You do not have to worry about scheduling your patients or managing your calendar, our virtual office assistants are here to cover your tasks for you.

Advanced call forwarding

One of the many advantages of hiring a health care answering service is the ability to take only calls that relate to your specific department. Officense can work with your practice in setting up an effective call forwarding system that sorts all callers. The advantages of a call forwarding service include no missed calls from potential patients, increased mobility and flexibility. Furthermore, you can customize a plan that fits your individual and practice’s needs. All the calls will be directed to the respective departments as per your business needs. No longer will you receive calls in the pediatric department that should have gone to the billing office!

At Officense, we have a fully-trained staff readily available to provide phone answering services for all of your contracting needs. Our receptionists are trained to answer calls in a professional manner in a minimum amount of time. As a medical professional, having a staff to lighten the load while you’re serving patients is incredibly beneficial. As an Officense receptionist, we aim to create a more efficient patient experience and ease the workflow for the doctors. Our staff will ensure the patient is heard, understood, and scheduled appropriately. You won’t have to worry about the hassle of getting too many calls and having too little time to answer them.

For more details please call us at 410-814-7500.

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