Large Corporations

International Executive Assistant

As a multi-national corporate leader, your schedule and location can shift dramatically from day to day. But that doesn’t mean your business image has to be unstable. The first and most lasting impression for a company is often when the phone is answered. When the phone is answered for the corporate line of a multi-national corporation your callers should receive customized service that is consistent with how you want your company represented. That’s what an Officense virtual assistant provides for your business. You can set up a plan for who receives what calls when, and if it changes, send us a quick email and we’ll update it instantly. Your communication can be directed anywhere in the world, anytime and anyway you’d like it.

Business Process Outsourcing to Officense

An international business leader knows the global market like few others and so you understand how you can increase market share and profits by lowering overhead and improving services. That’s what Officense has been accomplishing for business verticals since we’ve first been in business, and that’s what we want to do for you. Contact us and together we’ll start rethinking your front-end business services today.

Multi - National Business Management

Business for the multi-national corporation is constantly shifting and you don’t want to be tied down to any specific structure, you need front-end business services that are as flexible and versatile as your needs. With Officense, you are free to handle your business the way you want. We offer a customized business phone answering service with exclusive "Follow-Me Communications", when-you-need-it meeting space and corporate conference rooms, mail handling, virtual assistant services, and even customized services.

Cut Costs with OFFICENSE

  • Private Office and Conference Rooms
  • Business Address and Mail Handling
  • Live Answer Phone Services
  • On-Demand Admin Support
  • Scheduling and Appointment Management
  • Live Web Chat
  • Web Design and Domain Names
  • Book Keeping
  • Small Business Consulting
  • Registered Agent
  • Virtual Paralegal
  • Hosting and IT
  • Data Entry and CRM
  • Managed Email Marketing
  • Outbound Calling
  • Coworking
  • Notary
  • Local SEO Consulting

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