Let’s talk about why you need an investment advisor live answering service. As an investment advisor, your job is to make investment recommendations and help clients traverse the sometimes complicated world of stocks. If you want to start your own investment advisor business, however, all kinds of new responsibilities lay at your feet. Instead of actually performing your duties, you may find yourself buried in all the obligations that come with a business. Most of these obligations present themselves over the phone. Interested clients, questions about services, scheduling… your phone is your main point of contact with the rest of the world.

The constant annoyance of a ringing phone in your office might make you want to cut off contact all together. Not to mention, making a client wait for you to grab the phone is a bad idea according to this article. “You don’t want to leave your caller waiting before you even have an opportunity to talk with them.” They suggest a three ring maximum. But how do you juggle all of your duties and get to the phone within three rings?
he ideal solution would be some kind of middleman who could field your calls for you. Someone to answer the phone, collect information from new clients, schedule current ones, and answer questions. While a receptionist seems like an easy answer, your new investment advisor business doesn’t exactly have the budget for another employee. This is where virtual assistants and an investment advisor live answering service come into play. For the fraction of the price of a full-time receptionist, you could be getting 24/7 phone services from the executive assistants here at Officense.
Officense is in the Professional Image Business. Our goal is to present your business as being as polished as possible. We do this by training our executive assistants to answer your phone quickly and professionally. They can schedule meetings, send out emails, and, most importantly, keep your phone lines open. You’ll never be distracted by a constantly ringing office phone again!
Reach Out!
Please don’t hesitate to call us at 410-814-7500 or send us an email at info@officense.com. We have a beautiful Inner Harbor location you’d have to see to believe, so feel free to give us a visit at 300 E Lombard Street, Suite 840, Baltimore, MD 21202.