Insurance Agent Admin Services

There is a lot of power in being an Insurance Agent. You are providing products essential to the multiple facets of a properly functioning household. Whether it be life insurance, health insurance, car insurance, or even renters insurance. As an insurance agent, you want to sell off as much of that coverage as you can.

You Need It I Have It

According to “Insurance agents sell/negotiate life, health, property, or other types of insurance to match the needs of their clients. Insurance agents, may work under an insurance company, refer clients to independent brokers, or work as an independent broker”. With that being said their is a tireless amount of work to be done being a insurance agent.

As an insurance agent, you are developing relationships with potential clients through networking and referrals. You are developing a long-term base of clientele through many avenues such as cold calling, email, social media, and postal mail. You can also present to groups at work-related events or speak publicly at an insurance-related event. In addition to sourcing new clientele, as an insurance agent, you must maintain relationships with your existing clients also. Your reputation as an insurance agent is staked upon you being a reliable first point of contact when your client needs to file a claim or increase their coverage due to major life events, like purchasing a new home or having children.

All Work No Play

As an insurance agent dealing with all the ins and outs of insuring a whole roster of clients alone can be a daunting task. But, look no further we here at Officense are here to help you out with our Insurance Agent Admin Services. What are some of the Insurance Agent Admin Services you can look forward to using? Well let’s start with you can rent office/conference space here at an affordable price. Giving you a more impressive business savvy environment to bring your clients to and host meetings with your colleagues. Next, we offer phone answering services. No more overwhelming yourself keeping up with calls from this client or ignoring that solicitor. Our well-trained executive assistants will answer calls for you and connect you to potential/current clientele all customizable to your business. We also offer mail-handling services. So if you are looking to send out some advertisements to your clients with updates on your policy pricing we are here for you and that’s just a portion of the services we offer!

Contact Us!


For more information on our Insurance Agent Admin Services , to speak with us, or to sign up today please give us a call at 410-814-7500. You may also view the information on our website or come by our office at 300 East Lombard Street, Baltimore, MD 21202. We’d love to speak with you!

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