Improving Work-Life Balance

An Employers Dilemma: Maintaining a Work-Life Balance

Work-Life Balance Image

As the workforce continues to evolve, employee work-life balance has become an important focus in the business world. However, many employers find difficulty balancing social responsibility to their employees with worry about creating policies which promote work-life balance. They think, “who is going to cover these hours?” or, “I cannot have my support staff absent all the time!” Perhaps, you have had these very thoughts when employees request time off.

Despite what you may think, work-life balance can have tremendous positive benefits for both a company and their employees. A stressed employee is an unhappy employee and an unhappy employee is most likely job hunting. Business owners know high employee turnover rates are expensive as the time spent on the hiring and training process is costly for any business. There is cause for a company to champion employee satisfaction. Studies show the more an employee takes ownership in their job duties and involves themselves in their company’s objectives, the more enthused and dedicated they become as an employee. In return, this enthusiasm directly affects job performance which is reflected in the company’s overall performance as well.

Work-Life Balance Solution: The Officense Team

Why not implement policy in your business to promote work life balance? For example, flexible work hour options have been proven to increase employee retention by 89% in 2012 by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).  Another option is offering telecommuting hours for your staff. They do not necessarily need to be in the workplace daily. Wouldn’t you like to work from the comfort of your own home? Think of the money your company could save! If you have few employees working from the office, then you could have a smaller more affordable office space, ergo lower rent. Indeed, both employees and employers could benefit from flexible hours or telecommuting.

Officense has the toolkit needed to assist you with creating work-life balance at your company. For example, our fully trained Executive Assistants can continue to live-answer your business calls even if you or your support staff leave the office at 3:30 pm! Your clients will feel satisfied speaking with a real person and not some pre-recorded automatic answering machine. We can even answer your calls and have them transferred to any number you request, so you can speak with clients, regardless of your location.  Lets talk about how you can save money and create a work-life balance for you and your staff.  Call Officense today at 410-814-7500.


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