If Your Receptionist is a Voicemail, Fire it.

Do you have a business but are too busy working to answer calls? Are most of your calls going to voicemail?
Officense is here to assist you in all of your phone answering needs. We offer executive phone services that will alleviate the stress you might have when it comes to communicating with your clients. Our executive assistants, also known as receptionists, are trained to answer calls as if they work directly for your business. They follow a call-handling script that you create during our orientation process. Our receptionists are also able to connect callers directly to you or send a message to you. This is helpful if you are unavailable or prefer not to take calls.
When you purchase an Executive Assistant package, you get a virtual DID number. This is beneficial if you do not have a direct line to your business or if you prefer that clients do not have your personal number. You also get a voicemail box which is helpful when you cannot answer the phone. Having a phone answering service helps elevate your business. When people are able to talk to an actual person your business becomes more legitimate. Legitimacy is always a good way to generate clientele.
The receptionists here at Officense take a lot pride in what they do and could be incredibly beneficial for your business. Our phone answering services are especially helpful for start-up companies that are without the funds to hire receptionists of their own. If this sounds like something that you’re interested in contact us