Is your Planning Firm HUBZone Qualified?

HUBZone Certification MapAnyone in the private side Planning knows that being able to lock in your next contract is key to survival. Securing government contracts with large payouts can be a rigorous and lengthy process as the government attempts to spread the economic wealth. One option to give your firm an edge is through HUBZone Certification or an Enterprise Zone Approved office location.

Becoming Certified

The HUBZone Certification program, run by the U.S. Small Business Administration, can provide you planning firm with an edge. So, If your business is primarily located or has a satellite office in an area which is historically underutilized by business, aka a HUBZone, then your firm could receive preferred treatment in the bidding process. This leverage applies to government contracts called “Set-Asides.” Set-Asides reserved by the government can only be bid on by small businesses who are HUBZone Certified. The HUBZone Certification allows your firm to bid on these contracts and get a 10 % price evaluation preference in full and open government contract competitions.

Applying for HUBZone Status

The first step to applying is to have an office within a HUBZone. You can check if your location is qualified at this link by entering your address. If your office location is not in a HUBZone, then don’t fret! As shown in the map, our office at the Inner Harbor is within a HUBZone. We provide address services, office space, and reception services at a competitive rate. Finally, once you have signed up with us, your business has overcome a major hurdle to acquiring HUBZone status. Plus, you get an office and dedicated staff in a premier downtown location.  Don’t let your firm miss out on these lucrative contracts. Sign up today through our website or give us a call at 410-814-7500.

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