phone answering

As a small business, maybe you don’t need an office space for daily use. But instead, temporary office space to simply hold meetings with clients as needed. Or perhaps you have the need for an office for a couple of days to work on that proposal or prepare for presentations. At Officense we have Day member agreements that allow you to instantly rent office space at an affordable cost. You pay for only the amount of time spent in the office or conference rooms and you can pay as you go. Nowadays many businesses venture into e-commerce so, maybe you don’t need a physical business location. Allow Officense’s virtual office assistants to aid in those virtual office administrative tasks from answering your live inbound calls and re-routing the calls you actually have time and want to take. Delegate scheduling, billing, mail handling, and forwarding, and tailorable similar tasks to us, your local virtual office assistant.

At Officense, we train our local support staff and executive assistants to provide customized business communication support tailored to meet each individual company’s needs.

We can provide your business with:

  • Unique company DID phone number
  • Tailored call flows and greetings, appointment scheduling capabilities
  • Live answering and announcing
  • Specialized Call Handling Procedures
  • 24/7 phone answering services
  • Solicitation call buffers
  • Mail forwarding
  • Call routing
  • Payment processing and administrative services
  • After hours phone answering services, etc.

Officense leaves room for flexibility with add on a la carte services that can be determined as per your need. At Officense our goal is to help business owners and entrepreneurs determine the type of working space and customized communication support your company might need. We are here to help you with your business requirements!

Contacts us now to learn more about how Officense’s virtual office assistants can help you and the people you serve! Give us a call at 410-814-7500 today.

Comments (2)

  • […] Officense is in the business of representing your company as professionally as possible. And, yes, this includes carpet cleaner phone answering. Officense has been providing services to businesses like yours since 2006. Whether it be reception services or office rentals, we’re here to support you and make running your business a breeze. Our executive assistants are trained in call handling and ready to take on any call that comes through for your business. New clients? Scheduled. Solicitors? Sent to voicemail. Robo-callers? Avoided. The only calls you’ll have to worry about coming through are the most important ones. Never again will you halt a project just to hear a robotic voice on the other line. And if you’re still worried about the price, don’t be. Our phone answering services are half the price of a traditional receptionist. […]

  • […] Officense is in the Professional Image Business. Our goal is to present your business as being as polished as possible. We do this by training our executive assistants to answer your phone quickly and professionally. They can schedule meetings, send out emails, and, most importantly, keep your phone lines open. You’ll never be distracted by a constantly ringing office phone again! […]

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