Drywall Phone Answering

As a drywall installer, you’ve a lot to keep track of. You have to keep in touch with your suppliers, with your clients, with the job foreman, and with all of your workers. This is somewhat showcased in this series of mini articles by howstuffworks.com. This can be quite hectic and a bit time consuming. Wouldn’t it easier to have them all call your drywall phone answering service instead of you? It would have a lot of advantages!


One of the advantages is it would help remove the drain on your time. We all know that time is money, after all, so why lose both? Even in the middle of a project you’d have an advantage. Coated in dust and/or compound, no one wants to answer their phone, but you get a call anyways. Instead of getting your phone coated as well, let your drywall phone answering service answer instead! This provides a warm, live, friendly answer to your call and frees you up to concentrate on the project at hand. Its much more personable than a cold answering machine or voice mail and provides a more professional appearance as well.


Here at Officense, our executive assistants have the professionalism and training to handle your drywall phone answering for you. If you have an appointment calendar, then we can make the appointments for you. If someone really needs to speak with you, we are able to transfer those callers in a pinch. We also are able to transfer callers to a voicemail or to another person that you select if need be. We are your one stop shop for drywall phone answering!


Please feel free to call us at 410-814-7500 for more information. You can also check out our website for more information (and maybe even a discount!). You can also email info@officense.com. Alternatively, come on down to 300 East Lombard Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 to see us in person!

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