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Doctors Phone Answering - Officense - Instant Business Office

Doctors Phone Answering

Betterteam.com says that doctors “examine patients, review their medical history, diagnose illnesses or injuries, administer treatment and counsel patients on their health and well being.” All of that does not leave a lot of time for dealing with nuisances and annoyances. That’s why doctors phone answering services might be for you.

How it helps

Such services are able to schedule patients appointments, answer basic questions such as address/fax. They also weed out the telemarketing, spam, and robo calls that waste valuable time. If you need certain calls transferred to certain locations that’s possible too. Examples include, billing questions to payment processing, a patient who just needs the date of something, another doctor or a hospital requesting records, so on and so forth. All of these make doctors phone answering services exceptionally beneficial.

What we do

Here at Officense we do all of the above and more. We are also able to rent you an office or conference room. We offer mail and address services as well. Our biggest commodity however, is our exceptionally well trained executive assistants ready to help you and your patients. Feel free to save some time with our doctors phone answering services.


Please feel free to give us a call at 410-814-7500 or send an email to info@officense.com for more information! You can also check out our website or come on in to 300 East Lombard Street, Suite 840, Baltimore, Maryland 21202.

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