Dentist Admin Services in Maryland

Dental health is so incredibly important. According to the Oral Health Foundation, proper dental hygiene reduces the risk of disease, cancer and dementia. Our teeth help us chew and digest food, they help us to talk and speak clearly, and they also give our face its shape. So obviously, being a dentist? It’s an extremely important profession! You can’t do it alone- you need a team. That’s why our awesome staff here at Officense, located in beautiful downtown Baltimore, Maryland, will step in and help you with all those time-consuming dentist admin services!

What Dentist Admin Services does Officense provide?

It is your lucky day that you asked that question. Here at Officense, our staff goes through weeks-long training to ensure they are more than qualified to handle all those tedious, back-office administrative tasks that you just don’t have the time for. From live phone answering, to our handy Virtual Business Address Services, we can do it all! Our team is ready to handle your scheduling and appointment management needs- like making outbound calls to patients for appointment reminders, as well as scheduling appointments from patients calling us! You can go about your day confidently, knowing that Officense is taking care of what you need done.

Live Phone Answering with Officense

Our staff is ready to handle all your incoming calls. Whether it’s scheduling/rescheduling appointments, answering questions your patients might have, or directing the call to the appropriate person who can assist the caller, Officense can do it all. That also means you don’t need to deal with annoying solicitors. Our staff can send them to your voicemail. We can also simply tell them we aren’t interested, and to add your company to their DNC list. What you prefer, is what you get! We provide you with your own phone number, and voicemail as well. You can’t get any more convenient than that!

Virtual Business Address

Virtual Business Address is a fancy way of saying “mail handling”. The last thing you have time for is going through all that mail you receive. Having to decipher what’s junk, what’s legit, and what’s super important? Pass- You have WAY too much on your plate to worry about that. That’s what we’re here for! We will sort any and all mail you receive, we can notify you through email, or we can even scan any mail you receive as well. We can even forward your mail via UPS, USPS, or FedEx. It’s your business- so YOU make the rules!

How can I hire Officense?

Officense is located in beautiful downtown Baltimore, right by the Inner Harbor. Come pay us a visit at 300 E. Lombard St, Suite 840 Baltimore Maryland, 21202. You can also chat with us by giving us a call at 410-814-7500 and schedule a tour and see all we have to offer! So, if you’re a dentist in the Baltimore, Maryland area, and if you need help with your admin services? Give Officense a call- you won’t regret it!

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