Demand for Video Conferencing


Reducing travel is considered one of the major advantage of video conferencing. However, the benefits of video calls are much more far-reaching. One of the benefits of video conferencing is it reduces the amount of time wasted in meetings. As of now businesses acknowledge the benefits and prefer working remotely rather than having to travel to a specific office. In a survey of 4,700 users, the top benefits of video conferencing were cited as:

  • Increased efficiency and productivity – 94%
  • Increased impact of discussions – 88%
  • Expedited decision-making – 87%
  • Reduced travel – 87%

 The rise of Video Conferencing

Initially, video calls were used simply to reduce travel costs. But today, the benefits of collaboration are growing the demand for video conferencing. Businesses find it easier to collaborate and work via video calls. More and more companies are switching from having communication through video calls rather than using emails and phone. Clients and team members can see face-to-face without having to travel to the same place and can participate and contribute their inputs during the meetings. According to Simplicity in the New World of Video Conferencing, between 2013 and 2015, VC use grew by 87%. Of the companies surveyed, 71% added more VC rooms during those two years. Predictions call for a conferencing services market growth rate of 4.1% between 2014 and 2021. Therefore, this shows that the market is in a phase of rapid and ongoing transition.


Video conferencing technology does not only cut the travel expense but also makes meetings faster, easier, focused and agenda-oriented. By meeting more quickly and frequently, you can encourage your employees to maximize productivity and increase the effectiveness of shared time.  In a matter of few clicks, you can connect to your team, clients and communicate at any time and from any part of the world. It honestly can’t get any easier. Some of the main reasons companies are using video conferencing more than ever are:

  • Cost savings
  • Improved Productivity and optimized operations
  • Improved efficiency
  • Raid outreach
  • Increased employee satisfaction and its benefits
  • Improved communication and more solid relationships
  • Support for green initiatives
  • Move a company more effectively towards its goals
  • Encourage partnership/joint efforts
  • Deliver faster problem solving and increased innovation
  • Improve job satisfaction and employee retention

At your service

Officense has the tools and resources you need to make your business grow and achieve your business goals! Officense video conferencing services provide the simplicity of setting up a conference at any time. Expanded hours are available to access video conference rooms 24/7. In addition, administrative and business services are also available per request.

Book[] your next video conference at Officense today!

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