Officense – Instant Business Office

Debt Collectors Answering Service

Executive Assistant


As a debt collector, you are undoubtedly very familiar with telephones. You spend much of your day on them either making calls to debtors or making calls to obtain a debt. However, have you thought of how to efficiently manage your incoming calls? If you actually get a debtor to call you back, you probably want that call answered quickly, efficiently, right? Preferably before they change their minds. Taking those calls may distract you from your outgoing calls though. What if you are on the phone with a debtor that you called and receive an incoming call from another? That, my friend, is what a debt collectors answering service is for.


With a debt collectors answering service you gain the freedom you need to keep your telephone communications running smoothly. You can obtain something much better than an average, generic voicemail system. Those won’t keep a debtor interested. You gain a highly skilled live answering person. They have had the training you want them to have had without the cost incurred to you for training them. Having a live answer phone works so much better with clients than a cold, emotionless answering machine. This makes the caller feel cared about and prevents things like what happened in this thread at That is why you should utilize a debt collectors answering service.


Here at Officense, our receptionists are professional and highly trained to respond to a variety of needs. We customize a script for you based on what you need. We also have a plethora of other services available for your benefit as well. Whether you need a webpage, business address, business email address, domain name, hosting services, or to utilize a conference room we have it available for you.


For more information about our debt collectors answering services or any of our other solutions please give us a call at 410-814-7500. You can also reach us at or drop on by at 300 East Lombard Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. There is a lot of information about each of our amenities on our website as well as a live chat option too.


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