Collections Agency Phone Answering

What’s the deal??

What exactly is a debt collector’s job?? says “Debt collectors call to notify a person of debt that’s allegedly under their name. Debt collectors then obtain said payment from the consumer(s)”. As a collections agent, your primary focus is on outbound-call contact right? As a collector do you find yourself in the middle of a call and you get a barrage of incoming calls that are just as important? Do you feel overwhelmed by the number of calls? For collectors, it is no good to let calls just go to voicemail because you want to speak to them live. As you are only human and may need some assistance with all those incoming calls. This is why we are going to talk about Collections Agency Phone Answering today.
From a problem to a solution
Collection agency calls can be tricky to navigate for several reasons. One reason is how high a call volume collection agencies have. Another reason is not knowing what kind of calls pertain to the business you are collecting for. Also, getting the runaround from debtors is another reason. As a collections agent who is expecting calls from, or is calling clients throughout the day, this can be annoying to deal with. You don’t want to fall into the rabbit hole that is collection calls. We all know you answer one and the lines flood for all types of collection or payment calls, especially for a thriving collection company. So what’s a good solution you may ask??
We are here to Collect!!

Well…we here at Officense offer Collections Agency Phone Answering Services. With our services, your calls are answered by the lovely receptionists, here at Officense. Who then screens creditor calls and handles callers per your instruction by transferring them to the right collections dept. Our services are available 24/7, giving you less worry and less hassle! Now all calls incoming and outgoing are fielded! Isn’t that great?! All your headaches are made easier in one step. We also provide an array of business services. From reception services, message notification services, and email correspondence all your needs are handled in one place.
Contact Us!
For more information on our services, to speak with us, or to sign up today please give us a call at 410-814-7500. You may also view the information on our website or drop by our office at 300 East Lombard Street, Baltimore, MD 21202. We’d love to speak with you!

Tags: business, phone answering