Officense – Instant Business Office

Co-working and the Coronavirus Era

Molecule of Covid 19

Do you have need of an actual office for your business? Are you afraid of getting hit with the coronavirus known as Covid 19? Do you want a prestigious address to use when presenting your business? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then you are in the right place.

Co-working Office Spaces

Sneeze Droplets

Most co-working office spaces can be excessively virulent when it comes to germs, viruses, and other infectious matters. When you are crammed into a small space with others the likelihood of contracting something rises. You have no elbow room, people cough and sneeze all over the area, and in general its not very pleasant.

Spread of Germs

Conference Rooms
Private Office

Since the coronavirus, Covid 19, and others of its kind keep showing up, wouldn’t you prefer to be in a location that’s a bit less…germy? Instead of a shared office space where you constantly have droplets flying onto you and your things, like a co-working space, wouldn’t you rather have a private office? According to the University of California – San Francisco’s article, located here, mentions “The new coronavirus is spread through droplets and surfaces.” They also say “The new coronavirus isn’t believed to be an airborne virus, like measles or smallpox, that can circulate through the air. ” With that in mind, having a private office with a door is a great thing. You can close the door to keep the spread of germs lower but still be near others.

Clean Shared Office Space

Reception and Plants

Officense has been providing shared space for offices for many years now. We have thoroughly trained executive assistants to help with your office needs, roomy well-lit offices, and conference rooms for your comfort. Keeping the coronavirus – Covid 19, in mind, we also provide something many shared office spaces do not have… a clean co-working environment where you are still at a bit of a remove from those around you. You get a reception area full of air cleaning plants to help keep you healthy and surfaces that are cleaned daily to reduce the spread of germs. As you can see, you get the door mentioned above and so very much more.

So, do you want to be stuck entertaining clients at your home, or in a co-working space where people are coughing and sneezing all over the place. Or do you want to be in a premier location, with a shared office space that has private offices, and staff to handle many of your needs for you in a clean environment? If it is the latter you desire, then call us at 410-814-7500, look us up on, or come visit us at 300 E. Lombard St. Baltimore, MD 21202 today. We look forward to hearing from you!

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