Civics Leagues Phone Answering

So, you’ve banded together and formed a league to improve things. At least that’s what Lakeshores says. Have you considered improving your phone answering service as well? After all, if your voicemail is your answering service, then you really should fire it! No one wants to call someone to speak to an inanimate voice. They want to talk to a live person. That’s what a Civics Leagues phone answering service is for.

What IS a Civics Leagues phone answering service you ask? It’s a service that allows you to have someone else answer your calls, redirect them appropriately, and screen out all of those nuisances. No more spam calls interrupting, no more robo calls, and no more annoying telemarketers. All of the people you want to be able to reach you will be able to, and you’ll know who is calling and why. This way you can decide if you want to accept a call or have it go to voicemail/ have a message taken.

We, here at Officense, are very good at handling all of your Civics Leagues phone answering needs. We have superbly trained executive assistants to answer your calls for you. They can route your calls to you or those of your choosing. There is also a plethora of other services that we offer for your convenience.

Officense, is essentially a one-stop-shop for all of your needs. We have phone answering, office and conference room rental, and address services. You can obtain web based services as well, such as website services, custom domain names, and business email addresses. Another great thing that we offer is customized business services. Whether that be helping with your customer resource management or calling a client for you, we are there to help. If you need address services, then this is the right place for that as well.

For more information on our services, to speak with us, or to sign up today please give us a call at 410-814-7500. You may also view the information on our website or drop by our office at 300 East Lombard Street, Baltimore, MD 21202. We’d love to speak with you!