You’re busy working on a project for your client. You’re hard at work doing one of the best carpet cleaning jobs you’ve ever seen. The client looks impressed and you know you’ve got a good Yelp review on the horizon. Suddenly, your phone starts ringing. You know you shouldn’t take it, but you’ve been waiting to hear back from a client about an estimate you gave them and you know it’s bad business to make them wait. So, you decide to pause your current project, just for a moment, to answer the phone. Before you can even greet your caller, another call is coming in.
It Begins…
You ask your first caller to hold and take the next call. It’s a solicitor, so you tell them you’re uninterested and hang up. You try to go back to your original call, but yet another one is coming through. Wishing you could just get back to work, you sigh and take the call. The new caller is a prospective client and they’re interested in an estimate. You look up at your current client, seeing that they don’t look nearly as impressed as they did before. Looking back down at your phone, you see that your first call has been on hold for a few minutes now. You ask the prospective client for a call back number and search for a pen and paper… there is none. You try to remember the number to no avail. At least you have your original call to get back to – you’re sure it’s that high paying client you’ve been waiting to hear from. You excitedly answer the phone, only to hear the robotic voice of your nightmares. Another robo-caller. If only you could afford a receptionist… life would be so much easier.
If this sounds like your business, a carpet cleaner phone answering service is the right choice for you. Having someone to field your calls is an invaluable aspect of any successful company. And, yes, receptionist services can be pricey. Salary.com claims that the average hourly wage for a receptionist is $18 an hour. This might seem lightyears outside of what you can afford. After all, you’re just running a small carpet cleaning business. Where would you even put a receptionist? You don’t have an office – you work on the go. This doesn’t mean you are doomed to be bombarded with calls for the rest of your life, though. Being able to complete projects without being hassled by solicitors and robo-callers can be more than just a dream because with Officense, it can be a reality.
Officense is in the business of representing your company as professionally as possible. And, yes, this includes carpet cleaner phone answering. Officense has been providing services to businesses like yours since 2006. Whether it be reception services or office rentals, we’re here to support you and make running your business a breeze. Our executive assistants are trained in call handling and ready to take on any call that comes through for your business. New clients? Scheduled. Solicitors? Sent to voicemail. Robo-callers? Avoided. The only calls you’ll have to worry about coming through are the most important ones. Never again will you halt a project just to hear a robotic voice on the other line. And if you’re still worried about the price, don’t be. Our phone answering services are half the price of a traditional receptionist.

If you still have questions, please don’t be shy and just give us a call at 410-814-7500. We’d be happy to give you a tour of our beautiful Inner Harbor location and introduce you to our staff. You can meet us at 300 E Lombard Street in Suite 840 down here in Baltimore, MD 21202. We look forward to hearing from you!