Is your phone ringing non-stop? Does your answering machine work for you as a secretary? Maybe you are dealing with a ton of paperwork for a case that needs to be completed yesterday. If any of these things describes you then you may be in need of a bankruptcy lawyers live answering service. A service such as this can answer your phone and deal with all of those calls interrupting you from completing your dead lines.

What’s more, a service such as this can deal with those nuisance calls. You know the ones, no sound on the other end, solicitations, and pre-recorded messages. Frankly, if they want their machine to talk to you, you probably do not want to talk to them. A bankruptcy lawyers live answering service can nip this in the bud for you. Imagine it, a world where the phone is not ringing constantly. Where your clients reach a live person every time…instead of an impartial machine. A world of peace where you can focus on what YOU need to do, not what solicitors want you to do. Forbes says ” A bankruptcy lawyer specializes in giving legal advice to a client about bankruptcy, prepares legal documents for the client and represents the client in court. ” That’s an awful lot to take care of with the phone ringing off the hook, don’t you think?

This world CAN indeed be yours! Here at Officense, we have the training, the skills, and the tools necessary to let you live in the world I just described. We are a bankruptcy lawyers live answering service, but we are so much more as well. If you need an address service where you can rest assured that your important documents will have a signature upon arrival you’ve come to the right place. We offer conference rooms and office spaces that can be rented for an hour or on a more permanent basis. If you need a bit better web presence we can help with that as well.

For more information, or just to meet us and say hello, please come on down to 300 East Lombard Street, Suite 840, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. We are right in the Inner Harbor with a prestigious location. You can also reach us at 410-814-7500 or through our website. Fire your answering machine and hire a live person, you’ll appreciate it and so will your clients.