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Advancing Productivity


March 13th – Elena Goldsborough

Human productivity is essential to every business’s success. Through technological advances our productivity should be increasing at a steady rate, right? However, this is not the case. “How the Human Quotient Improves Careers and Companies” by Ryan Stelzer, Co-founder of Strategy of Mind, outlines why our productivity has fallen and how businesses can improve their employees’ productivity.
Stelzer explains that human productivity has slowed in comparison to technological advances because employees are becoming overwhelmed with the breadth of knowledge needed to function in the workplace. As employers continue to expect more from their employees, he hypothesizes that the human quotient, which is the inherent elements of being human, can assist companies and employees by increasing their productivity. For example, according to the 2015 Global Empathy Index, empathy training of employees has been shown to correlate with increases in business profit. Stelzer’s argument has provided an interesting alternative solution to improving business productivity. Many business owners may benefit from considering that important human element when running their businesses.
If you find your business in a situation of decreased productivity, give Officense a call. We have virtual Executive Assistants, who can help increase your productivity. For example, our staff can provide live answer calling, appointment scheduling, mailing services, and so much more. The less time spent on administrative work means more time running your business.

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