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Family Lawyers Phone Answering

It’s that time of year again when families start drawing close to one another. As a family lawyer, you know this is also a very hard time of year for families that are going through difficulties. Whether its estranged family, families split by divorce or separation, or families split apart due to child protective services the difficulties abound. Your clients have hard times during the holidays and that makes your work that much harder. Do you need the added stress of a phone ringing off the hook or trying to juggle answering the phone and helping your clients? No, you need family lawyers phone answering.

Executive Assistant

Why You Want Them

Between telemarketers, robo-calls, and nuisance calls your phone is probably ringing non-stop. A family lawyers phone answering service can help with that by screening your calls. Telemarketers can go into voicemail or be told no thank you and robo -calls can be answered by someone else and hung up on. Clients calling because they want to talk to feel like they are doing something can be scheduled into your calendar instead of taking up your time randomly. Time is money after all. IrishTimes says “.. value only on the time from which it achieves an almost instantaneous cash return.” That is what makes family lawyers phone answering so necessary.

About Us

Officense provides phenomenal family lawyers phone answering services. We understand that time is money and that you value yours. All of the above, we are capable of. We also make for a much more pleasant greeting than a cold voicemail does. This ensures that your clients time and money is well spent as well. We also are able to help you in other areas. Do you need an office temporarily? How about a conference room? We can supply both. We’ve also got website services and custom business services to help benefit your company. On top of that, if you need address services we have that as well.


For more information on family lawyers phone answering or any of our other services, please call us at 410-814-7500, shoot us an email to info@officense.com or come on down to visit. Our address is 300 East Lombard Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. You can also check out our website if you’d prefer. Hope you have a fantastic holiday season and that you get to spend quality time with those you care about.